Friends of Mount Arab
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Summit Horizon

Friends Of Mount Arab
'Friends of Mt Arab' (FOMA) is a 501c3 non-profit all volunteer group dedicated to the restoration of Mt Arab's cabin, tower, trails, and to the learning experience of all those who are interested in the mountain. Friends of Mt Arab works in close official and cooperative partnership with the New York State Department of Conservation (DEC) and we are able to do our work based on the generous donations and volunteering of the many people who enjoy the mountain.

Winter on the summit
Winter on the summit

Tower in winter
Tower in winter

FOMA Patch
FOMA Patch

View to the West - Mount Arab & Eagle Crag Lakes
View to the West - Mount Arab & Eagle Crag Lakes

Tower with halo
Tower with halo

Thomas Cullen - Summit Steward
Thomas Cullen - Summit Steward

Fire Observer's cabin
Fire Observer's cabin

Summit museum display in cabin
Summit museum display in cabin

View from the 'Loughran' bench
View from the 'Loughran' bench

Icy view
Icy view

Thomas Cullen - Summit Steward
Thomas Cullen - Summit Steward

Hiking to the summit early morn
Hiking to the summit early morn

Webmaster:    Richard Bentley    (518-359-9300)